There’s a missing link to health we often talk about but it gets glossed over as just a fact of life in our modern world. This area though can wreck havoc on our hormones and keep us stuck when it comes to losing weight. My guest and I today are going to discuss stress and how it plays a role in our overall health and longevity.
Molly McNamee is an online fitness coach that helps women heal from chronic stress and anxiety.
In this episode, we discuss the modern narrative around stress, hidden stressors to the body, stretching for stress relief, and more!
Time Stamps:
- (0:36) The Narrative Around Stress
- (2:38) Our Constant Stress Environment
- (9:23) Hidden Stressors To The Body
- (13:00) Recovering From a Concussion
- (25:15) Stretching For Stress Relief
- (30:15) Ideal Exercise For Stress
- (41:17) The Vibe Check Journal
- (50:00) Stress Signs
- (52:00) Where To Find Molly and Free E-Book
Where To Find Molly:
Free Cortisol E-Book: https://mollymcnamee.c
Instagram: https://www.instagr
Facebook: https://www.facebook
Faith + Fitness Academy:
Instagram: https://www.
My YouTube Channel:
Finding Purpose in the Pause Book: